Early Years
Javier Milei is an Italian immigrant to Argentina with Catholic roots.
Milei, who began life in a rock band, did a stint as a goalkeeper at Argentine professional Football Club Chacarita Juniors, and then pivoted to become an economist…
Not Quite Jewish, But Close
Moreover, he studies Torah with his own rabbi and has even contemplated converting to Judaism. In one of the interviews he gave, he even stated that after finishing his political career, he would like to dedicate himself deeply to the study of the Torah.
Despite being Catholic, Milei even floated the idea of converting to Judaism, insisting, "I aspire to become the first Jewish president in Argentine history." However, he cited observing the Sabbath — Judaism's day of rest on the seventh day of the week on Saturday — as "incompatible" with a busy presidential agenda.
In addition, during the campaign race, Milei journeyed to New York's "Ohel", where the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish movement is based. There, he donned the traditional kippah or hat and was seen carrying the Torah. His purpose was to visit the tomb of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson - or "the Lubavitch Rebbe" - the seventh leader of the Hasidic dynasty who passed away in 1994.
Milei once famously declared, "My law is the Torah."
Speaking with the Spanish newspaper, Milei stated that he was “considering” conversion but that taking that step could be difficult if he is elected.
“If you’re Jewish because your mother is Jewish, you’re not obliged to comply with the principles of Judaism. If you convert, you’re obliged to do so,” he said.
“If I’m president, and it’s Shabbat, what do I do? Am I going to disconnect from the country from Friday to Saturday? There are some issues that would make [the religion] incompatible. The rabbi who helps me study says that I should read the Torah from the point of view of economic analysis.”
…has close ties to the Big Apple’s Hasidic community.
As per Argentine news outlet La Nacion, he pledged that his first foreign trip as the Argentine President would be to Israel, where he would “delve deeper into his studies of the Torah, Talmud, and other Jewish scriptures.”
Interested in the Kabbalah & Tantric Sex
According to the Spanish daily El Pais, a major milestone in Milei’s journey towards philo-semitism and Zionism began in 2021 when he was trying to counter accusations of neo-Nazi sympathies.
A Jewish contact put the former economist in touch with Rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish, with whom Milei had a “cabalistic” encounter in which he was told he would lead a liberation movement in his home country.
The word “cabalistic” is a reference to Kabbalah, a mystic branch of Judaism. Milei is reported to have an interest in eastern mysticism and has worked as a tantric sex coach.
Milei, an economist and former TV and radio pundit, has promised to close several government ministries, including Argentina’s national bank, a move that would make the country’s currency the American dollar.
He is also an outspoken supporter of Israel, having stated before the start of Israel’s war on Oct. 7 that he would like to make an early diplomatic trip to Jerusalem and to move Argentina’s embassy to that city. In one of his final public appearances before the election, Milei was seen waving an Israeli flag among a large crowd in Rosario.
He also told Argentine news outlet A24 that if he was elected President, he would move the nation’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
For this, he previously suggested economic shock therapy, which would include the closing of the Argentine central bank, replacing the Peso (Argentine currency) with dollars, slashing public spending, legalizing the sale of organs, cutting ties with the nation’s two largest trade allies Brazil and China, and closing multiple ministries among other radical economic reforms to recover the country from its current state of crisis
Davos’ Boy
Video Link: https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1747244371517264193
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