Early History
The Lucis Trust was established by Alice and Foster Bailey as a vehicle to foster recognition of the universal spiritual principles at the heart of all work to build right relations. The Trust was incorporated in the State of New Jersey, USA, on April 5, 1922. A separate limited company, Lucis Trust Ltd. was established as an educational charity and incorporated in the United Kingdom in 1935. And in 1951 Lucis Trust was established as a legal entity in Switzerland, with an office in Geneva.
A publishing company, initially named Lucifer Publishing Company, was established by Alice and Foster Bailey in the State of New Jersey, USA, in May 1922 to publish the book, Initiation Human and Solar. The ancient myth of Lucifer refers to the angel who brought light to the world, and it is assumed that the name was applied to the publishing company in honour of a journal, which had been edited for a number of years by theosophical founder, HP Blavatsky. It soon became clear to the Bailey’s that some Christian groups have traditionally mistakenly identified Lucifer with Satan, and for this reason the company’s name was changed in 1924 to Lucis Publishing Company.
The Arcane School started in 1923, World Goodwill was established in 1932 and Triangles in 1937.
Over the years headquarters offices in New York, London and Geneva have moved locations a number of times. The New York office is located in a building overlooking the United Nations. In London the office is close to Trafalgar Square in one of the city’s most architecturally distinctive buildings, Whitehall Court. And after many years in a building close to the United Nations, the Geneva Headquarters is now located on Rue Stand in the business district, close to the lake.
Commentary: Lucis Trust predates the creation of the United Nation, which was commissioned in 1945. Add to that their belief Lucifer is an angel of light and it makes one pause. Who are these people and how did they become so powerful? Their gears set in motion before the United Nations existed, as if it was planned.
The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer
…for a brief period of two or three years in the early 1920’s, when Alice and Foster Bailey were beginning to publish the books published under her name, they named their fledgling publishing company “Lucifer Publishing Company”. By 1925 the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company and has remained so ever since. Both “Lucifer” and “Lucis” come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin generative case meaning of light. The Baileys' reasons for choosing the original name are not known to us, but we can only surmise that they, like the great teacher H.P. Blavatsky, for whom they had enormous respect, sought to elicit a deeper understanding of the sacrifice made by Lucifer. Alice and Foster Bailey were serious students and teachers of Theosophy, a spiritual tradition which views Lucifer as one of the solar Angels, those advanced Beings Who Theosophy says descended (thus “the fall”) from Venus to our planet eons ago to bring the principle of mind to what was then animal-man. In the theosophical perspective, the descent of these solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name “Lucifer” which means light-bearer.
Integration with The United Nations
The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Global Communications at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations, particularly in spreading information about the UN and fostering support for UN programs. Since their inception Lucis Trust and World Goodwill have given their support through meditation, educational materials and seminars, by highlighting the importance of the UN's goals and activities as they represent the voice of the peoples and nations of the world.
Bill Gates Connection
Lucis Trust is headquartered at 866 United Nations Plaza and claims 6,000 members. The Lucis Trust website showed the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a Financial Partner with a Lucis Trust subsidiary, the New Group of World Servers. The Lucis website says “Men of goodwill who co-operate form part of the New Group of World Servers which is working to implement the Plan.”
UN NGOs are Interconnected
Commentary: Lucis Trust was there from the beginning.
World Goodwill
World Goodwill is an organised movement founded in 1932…
The work of World Goodwill is based on the principles of brotherhood, human unity, sharing and cooperation; and on the fundamental rights and freedoms embodied in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. World Goodwill is a world service organisation practising the principle of non-discrimination in race, religion, ideology, and political and economic convictions.
To help mobilise the energy of goodwill;
To cooperate in the work of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ;
To educate public opinion on the causes of the major world problems and to help create the thoughtform of solution.
World Goodwill's policy and programmes are formulated by an international group with headquarters in Geneva, London and New York, in consultation with cooperating groups and associates in many parts of the world.
World Goodwill is a voluntary association of men and women of goodwill open to all who support its principles and objectives. World Goodwill is not a "membership organisation" and there are no membership dues.
World Goodwill is an accredited non-governmental organisation with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations. It maintains informal relations with certain of the Specialised Agencies and with a wide range of national and international non-governmental organisations. World Goodwill is an activity of the Lucis Trust, which is on the Roster of the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
Arcane School
The Arcane School was established by Alice A. Bailey in 1923 to help meet an obvious and growing demand for further teaching and training in the science of the soul.
The Arcane School was created as a training school for adult men and women in meditation techniques and the development of spiritual potentiality. The School provides sequential courses of study and meditation, and practical training in group service.
The Arcane School is nonsectarian, and respects the right of each student to hold his/her own view and beliefs. It does not rely upon an authoritarian presentation of any one line of thought or code of ethics. Material used in the lesson courses is drawn from a variety of sources. The knowledge, insight and wisdom, and capacity to wield spiritual energy resulting from work and training with the Arcane School should be expressed and applied in daily living service in helping to materialise the Plan of God and to aid in solving the problems of humanity.
The Arcane School is conducted by correspondence through headquarters in New York, London, and Geneva.
The Arcane School is nonpolitical and nonsectarian. All are served. Since 1923 tens of thousands of students have taken advantage of the training.
No charges are made by the School for its services. The work is financed through the Lucis Trust by the voluntary contributions of students and those interested in the work of the School and in the teaching. Each gives according to personal circumstances.
The purpose of the esoteric training given in the Arcane School is to help the student grow spiritually toward acceptance of discipleship responsibility and to serve the Plan by serving humanity. Esotericism is a practical way of life.
The function of the School is to assist those at the end of the probationary path to move forward on to the Path of discipleship, and to assist those already on that path to move on more quickly and to achieve greater effectiveness in service.
Institute for Planetary Synthesis
New Group of World Servers
The leaders of the New Group of World Servers are those who initiate and carry forward activities which benefit humanity as a whole. These leaders are known by their harmless, constructive and inclusive qualities. They provide the vision and mould public opinion.
Behind these leaders and the co-operating men of goodwill are the Custodians of the Plan, "the inner spiritual Government of the Planet."
Working in all the main fields of human activity and in all countries everywhere in the world, the New Group of World Servers acts as a synthesising factor within humanity and lays the foundations for right human relations and ultimate world unity.
The New Group of World Servers needs a more widespread recognition, co-operation and support in its work for humanity. Every one of us, therefore, can share in the action of the New Group of World Servers and in the working out of the Plan.
The New Group of World Servers is not an organisation. It has no headquarters, president, list of officers or members. It has only servers of humanity in every country occupied with the task of discovering and aiding all men and women of goodwill.
First the uninformed masses. These through poverty, illiteracy, hunger, lack of employment, without leisure or means for cultural advancement are in an inflamed condition. They are, however, enough developed to respond to the mental suggestion and control of more advanced people.
Second, the middle classes--both higher and lower. These constitute the bulk of any nation--intelligent, diligent, often narrow-minded, enquiring, essentially religious; they are torn by economic and ideological conflicts and, because they can read and discuss and are beginning to think, they form the most powerful element in any nation.
Third, the thinkers everywhere. These are the intellectual, highly educated men and women who sense ideas and can formulate them into ideals. They utilise all the known methods to reach the general public. They stir the middle class to activity and, through them, arouse the masses. The part they play is of paramount importance. They are steadily influencing world affairs--sometimes for good and
sometimes for selfish ends.Fourth, the New Group of World Servers. These are the people who are building the new world order.
They are also known as the Agents of God, or the Hierarchy of liberated souls, who seek ceaselessly to aid and help humanity. This they do through the implanting of ideas in the minds of the world thinkers, so that these ideas in due time receive recognition and eventually become controlling factors in human life.
The determination of the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet to train the minds of men more rapidly and to build towards a more synthetic unity brought about a decision which involved the formation of group units, and the emergence of those groups of workers and thinkers who, through their activities, have so largely governed and moulded our world for the past three or four centuries. We have, therefore, dating from the fifteenth century, the inauguration of definite and specific group work along clearly defined lines, with each group standing for some peculiar presentation of truth and for some aspect of the knowledge of reality.
These groups fall generally into four major divisions, cultural, political, religious and scientific. In the more modern times three other groups have definitely emerged; they are the philosophical, the psychological and the financial groups.
Functions of the New Group of World Servers
To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of men, for "where there is no vision, the people perish."
To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.
It is a group therefore without a terminology or bible of any kind; it has no creed nor any dogmatic formulations of truth. The motivating impulse of each and all is love of God as it works out in love for one's fellowmen.
They will be able to swing into activity at any moment such a weight of thought and such a momentous public opinion that they will eventually be in a position definitely to affect world affairs.
The New Group of World Servers is fast becoming a major centre of planetary meditation. Much of this meditation is far from being of an occult nature but that is of no importance; it is largely based upon deep reflection upon the problems of humanity, backed and aided by the deep aspiration of the mystics found within its ranks, and aided also by the meditation of those few esotericists (technically speaking) who are working there also.
When this group was first identified in the 1930s by Alice Bailey, it represented an entirely new, worldwide expression of the principle of group consciousness, and hence was referred to as The New Group of World Servers.
Time Cycles Of The New Group Of World Servers
These cycles run from the period of the Wesak Festival at the time of the Taurus full moon.
Network Structure: Triangles
The Objectives of Triangles
To establish right human relations and to spread goodwill and understanding (light) among men and women.
To raise the level of human consciousness and to transform the mental and spiritual climate of our planet.
To strengthen and support the work of men and women of goodwill in the world.
To provide a reservoir of thought and to inspire practical and constructive action on behalf of humanity.
How to Form a Triangle
“What is the best way to introduce people to the network of light and goodwill?”
Mental Preparation
What better way of finding co-workers, therefore, than by first becoming a mental broadcasting unit, radiating the concept of Triangles and the need for co-workers into our mental environment, and enlarging our understanding by reading and reflection, so that our consciousness becomes impregnated and saturated with “Triangles essence”.
Link with the Network
The daily link with the network also serves to charge the field of our consciousness and mental environment with magnetic power, increasing the attractiveness of the Triangles “thoughtform” we are building.
Right Action
We have a secret inhibition that prevents us from talking as openly and whole-heartedly as we could. This communicates itself to others, and is one of the barriers to be overcome if we are to attract new members to the Triangles work.
…individual prayer is neither as effective nor as spiritually useful as group invocation. We should emphasise that this new age science of group invocation is a vital feature of the daily work of Triangles.
The Network
Without channels into the everyday world, the spirit is powerless to influence human affairs. The network formed by many thousands of interlinked triangles is first of all a worldwide group channel for the downpouring of spiritual energy into human consciousness. The network is also a communications system.
The Triangle
In presenting Triangles, we can therefore point out that the network is rooted in a universal reality, and that everyone who works in triangles is identifying with one of the fundamental life patterns on the planet. We may not always succeed in kindling interest. But as we work at the task of expanding the network we are strengthening an open channel through which spiritual energies descend and building a more comprehensively universal system for the transmission and distribution of light and goodwill around the globe.
Some further suggestions
Realise first of all that you cannot be successful unless you yourself are profoundly interested in serving in this way.
Realise next that many of your friends are truly and earnestly eager to help at this time of world crisis and that they do believe in divine guidance even if they have not discussed such a subject with you.
Then begin talking about the plan for the network of light and goodwill, without pinning people down to joining. Speak of the uniqueness of the idea (for it is unique), mentioning the fact that such triangles now exist all over the world, of their steady growth over many years, and of the simplicity of the work required – just a few minutes of meditation each day, plus the living of a life of enlightened goodwill. Then leave the idea to germinate.
When you feel that real interest has been evoked, ask the people interested to join you in forming a triangle and then start using the procedure for work within the network of light and goodwill.
It is not necessary for the members of your triangle to live in the same place as yourself. It would be helpful, of course, if triangle members could meet occasionally for united work and discussion, but this is not essential. Members of Triangles must feel free to do the required work in their own time and manner.
Keep in touch with the members of your triangle. As the one who has formed a new triangle, it is your responsibility to keep interest alive in your two friends until they are firmly established in the rhythm of the work. Then continue to keep in touch and seek to strengthen and vitalise the work you are doing together within the network of Triangles.
Every member of your triangle should be encouraged to form other triangles and this is your definite responsibility. Try to bring this matter to their attention and provide what help and inspiration you can in their efforts. It is only in this way that the work can grow and spread as it should.
As a result of your subjective work within the network of light and goodwill, it should become increasingly easy for you and the members of your triangle to express outwardly, in your sphere of existence and throughout your environment, the practical value and effectiveness of the light, love and goodwill invoked through the daily work of Triangles. The personal example of a life lived in right relationship with others is inspiring.
How to Create a Triangle
Find two other people to link with you each day in thought, for a few moments of creative meditation. There is a unique potency in this triple relationship. According to all the World Scriptures, God works as a Trinity, and you can do the same in your own sphere, finding two other people of like mind to form a triangle of light and spiritual interplay. Each of the two can also, in their turn, do the same and thus a great network of light and of spiritual power can spread over the world. Through it the Forces of Light will be able to work and you, in your own place, will have aided and helped.
How to do the Work
Each day members sit quietly for a few moments, in whatever part of the world they each may be, and link mentally with the other members of their triangle, or triangles. They invoke the energies of light and goodwill, visualise these energies as circulating through the three focal points and pouring outward through the network of triangles that envelops the world. At the same time they undertake to repeat the Great Invocation, thus helping to form a channel for the downpouring of light and love into the body of humanity. It is not necessary to synchronise the time at which the work is done, for once triangles links are built in mental substance, they can be “brought alive” when any one member does the work.
Comment: Why the obsession with networking? Because unlike those in Jesus Christ, the Satanic Order has no ability to integrate through the Holy Spirit to coordinate. They require direct communications. Furthermore, Satan and his angels have no physical form, so they rely on useful idiots to become their vessels. Notice the CHANNEL they need created. Channeling is an occult practice.
The Great Invocation
A Mantram for the New Age and for all Humanity
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Many religions believe in a World Teacher or Saviour, knowing him under such names as the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, the Bodhisattva, and the Messiah, and these terms are used in some of the Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish versions of the Great Invocation.
Men and women of goodwill throughout the world are using this Invocation in their own language. Will you join them in using the Invocation every day - with thought and dedication?
By using the Invocation and encouraging others to use it, no particular group or organisation is sponsored. It belongs to all humanity.
Commentary: Nothing says occult like a scripted mantra that all must adhere to. And who are these Masters? 🤔
The Plan
The immediate objective of the plan might be stated as follows:
To raise the level of human consciousness so that intelligent thinking men and women will be consciously in touch with the world of ideas and the realm of intuitive perception. This means that they will be oriented towards reality.
Average men and women will then be led definitely to shift their attention from the world of the emotions in which they have hitherto lived, and will begin to live more in their mental natures, and to think clearly and wisely. They will find their living conditions so ameliorated and wisely ordered that the present state of fear and of intense competitive struggle for existence will be superseded by a real measure of stability and security. A more leisured life will consequently be possible and this will enable men to unfold their powers--mental and spiritual--normally. This is no picture of an immediate Utopia.
The clarifying of the international situation. It is necessary that each nation should realise two things:
First, the importance of attending to its own business and its own internal problems which are those of beautifying the national life by the production of order, stabilisation and, above all, freedom. This must be done by the wise consideration of the needs of the entire people, excepting no part of the national life.
Second, the prime importance of each nation realising its responsibility to all other nations, and the interrelation of all parts of the life of our world. This realisation will bring about a reciprocal interplay in the field of economics on which are based practically all world problems and differences.
The third objective is the growth of the group idea with a consequent general emphasis upon group good, group understanding, group interrelation and group goodwill.
Commentary: Read that again… “They will find their living conditions so ameliorated and wisely ordered…”
Funded By
To be continued…
The Synthesis Foundation: Wilmington, DE
It is my belief this is the core network of the Global Satanic Cabal, and was designed to be such from inception. Theosophy is the core religion, designed to make their Luciferian Order seem harmless and benign. But under the surface veneer is the occult, built into a network of trilateral cells. Trilateral. Where have I heard that before?
This is how Luciferians were able to quietly assume Global control, by compartmentalizing their Network into cells. Only those at the very top of the pyramid know who all the people are.
There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q clearance four years ago. The news media knows I exposed all the names in Epstein's flight log.They also know I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms, of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11. The news articles trashing "QAnon" are intentional and disinformation. It took courage exposing a worldwide, demonic trafficking/pedophile ring, involving the Vatican, government swamp, hollywood and the royal family. The "swamp" got caught and we have everything. I was told to trust the plan and justice is coming. God wins this holy war of good vs evil🌹🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 #MAGA