Founding of the Martinist Order
The disciples of de Saint-Martin spread the Doctrine of the Unknown
Philosopher in France, Germany, Denmark and above all in Russia. It was
through one of them, Henri Delaage, that in 1880 a brilliant young Parisian
doctor, Gerard Encausse (Later to be known as Papus), became acquainted with
the doctrines of Saint-Martin and decided to become their champion. For this
purpose, in 1884, together with some of his associates, he established a
Mystical Order which he called the Ordre Martiniste or the Marinist Order.
Once A Member Of The Theosophical Society
In 1887, Papus also joined the Theosophical Society, founded earlier in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott.
The Goals
The awakening and transformation of man, by means of a spirituality derived from the primordial Tradition, as transmitted to us by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin and Papus, in forms adapted to our modern world.
A practical application, on the basis of ethical and humanistic principles, opening to the “Heart Way”.
The Means Implemented
Initiation, accompanied by the study of the symbolism specific to Martinism but also the so-called traditional symbolism.
Participation in ritual meetings within Groups and in the activities of the Order.
Esotericism (mainly in the Christian tradition) and the philosophy of Nature, the source of the thought of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin.
The Supreme Council
In 1890, Papus resigned from the Theosophical Society. From that date, Martinism became better organized. Martinist initiations became more frequent, and in the following year, July 1891, the Martinist Order created a Supreme Council composed of twenty-one members. Papus was elected Grand Master. Through Papus’s many talents and the material support of Lucien Mauchel (Chamuel), the Order grew rapidly. The first Martinist Lodges were established, and four soon appeared in Paris—Le Sphinx, headed by Papus, which offered general studies; Hermanubis, headed by Sédir, which taught mysticism and eastern tradition; Velleda, headed by Victor-Emile Michelet, devoted to the study of symbolism; and Sphinge, intended to promote the arts. Martinist groups formed in several other French cities as well. The Order also spread to Belgium, Germany, England, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Tunisia, the United States, Argentina, Guatemala, and Colombia. The April 1898 issue of L’Initiation claimed as many as forty lodges throughout the world, and later that year it could boast one hundred thirteen.
The Gnostic Church and Martinist Orders Are Linked
The founder of l’Ordre Martiniste, Gérard Encausse (Papus), and his associates, Paul Sédir and Lucien Chamuel, original members of the Suprême Conseil de L’Ordre Martiniste, were the first Bishops consecrated by Jules Doinel, and formed the Sacred Synod of the Gnostic Ecclesia. The decrees of the Holy Gnostic Synod, issued by Jules Doinel as Gnostic Patriarch, and published in the periodical L'Initiation in September 1893, stated that “The Martinist Order is declared to be of Gnostic essence”.
In 1911, Papus signed a treaty with Patriarch Jean Bricaud recognizing l'Église Gnostique Universelle as the official Church of Martinism. “By doing so, he linked the Order revived by him to the secular Western doctrine from which Martinez had drawn his inspiration at the beginning. This treaty, confirmed and expanded by Téder in 1917 into a second version, gave the members of the Gnostic High Synod the right to have their headquarters within the body of the Martinist Upper Council on the basis of reciprocity. The close union of the two bodies was thus achieved.”
A School Was Formed
Martinists organized a school that would create courses and lec- tures intended to communicate Western esoteric values to seekers drawn from the public. This school became the breeding ground from which prospective Martinists were selected for initiation.
In fact, it was to become the outer circle of the Martinist Order, and was called the École Supérieure Libre des Sciences Hermétiques (the Independent High School of Hermetic Sciences). It later changed its name to Groupe Indépendant d’Études Ésotériques, then to École Hermétique, and finally to Faculté des Sciences Hermétiques (Faculty of Hermetic Sciences).
It offered a multitude of courses (about twelve monthly), with subjects ranging from Kabbalah to Alchemy, Victor-Emile Michelet to the Tarot, covering the history of Hermetic philosophy.
Death of the Founder
Papus died before the end of the war on October 25, 1916. By the time the war was over, members of the Supreme Board were scattered; no new Grand Master was elected. “With Papus gone, Martinism is dead,” Jollivet Castelot lamented.
The Traditional Martinist Order
Ralph Maxwell Lewis, Imperator of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, was received into the Traditional Martinist Order on September 1, 1939. His Initiator was Georges Lagrèze, legate and representative of Augustin Chaboseau. Consequently, the charters, manifestos, and all other documents needed for the promotion and development of Martinism in the Americas were transmitted to Ralph M. Lewis just prior to the oppression which the Traditional Martinist Order had to endure in Europe during the Second World War.
Currently, the Supreme Council of the Traditional Martinist Order is directed and presided over by the Sovereign Grand Master, Claudio Mazzucco, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. The Traditional Martinist Order goes back through an initiatic transmission that is absolutely authentic, to the purest sources of Martinism. Thus, the Martinist light has been able to shine and spread, without interruption, its original luster.
Topics of Study
Martinist study includes: Mystical symbols; Free will and Destiny; Dreams and Initiation; Science of numbers; Prayer; Cycles of humanity; Art, Music, and Language; and the Kabbalah.
Ritual and Monitor of the Martinist Order
Freemasonry & Martinism
Papus was succeeded by Bro::: Charles Detre, better known as Teder Because of the war, the activity of the Order was somewhat curtailed. Teder was assisted by Bro::: Victor Blanchard, Deputy Grand-Master. Teder was a keen freemason of the Memphis- Mizraim Rites. Under his Grand-Mastership the Order began to acquire a Masonic outlook. Teder died in 1918, leaving Bro::: Blanchard as Grand-Master designate. Because of the Masonic tendencies of which he disapproved, Bro::: Blanchard declined the Grand-Mastership and Bro::: Jean Bricaud was duly appointed to office. Bro::: Bricaud considered that the Martinist Order would gain in stability by being organized on a Masonic basis. He altered the Constitutions of the Order and decided to admit as Martinists only Masons of the Third Degree (Master Mason) of any Rite.
Although never recognized by regular Freemasonry, the history of Martinism is interwoven with that of Freemasonry.
While distinctly different from Theosophy in their Western occult focus instead of Theosophy’s heavy emphasis on Eastern occult practices, there are similarities, right down to their logo.