Contemporary Christian Music in the Cornerstone Festival Tradition
🔹Bands I’ve seen live
🔹Adam Again: Perfecta
Adam Again: Ten Song
Adam Again: Homeboys
Adam Again: Dig
All Things Bright and Beautiful: Love & Affection
Aunt Bettys: Aunt Bettys
Aunt Bettys: Aunt Bettys’ Ford
Barry McGuire: Best Of
Barry McGuire: Finer Than Gold
The Billions: Never Felt This Way Before
Bob Dylan: Slow Train Comin’
Bon Voyage: Bon Voyage
Bon Voyage: The Right Amount
Bon Voyage: Lies
🔹Brave Saint Saturn: So Far From Home
Brave Saint Saturn: The Light of Things Hoped For
Chagall Guevara: Chagall Guevara
Chagall Guevara: Halcyon Days
Charity Empressa: A Riot of Snowflakes
🔹The Choir: Circle Slide
The Choir: Voices in Shadows
The Choir: Chase the Kangaroo
The Choir: Wide-Eyed Wonder
The Choir: Speckled Bird
The Choir: Free Flying Soul
The Choir: Flap Your Wings
The Choir: O How the Mighty Have Fallen
The Choir: Burning Like the Midnight Sun
The Choir: The Loudest Sound Ever Heard
The Choir: Shadow Weaver
The Choir: Bloodshot
🔹Common Children: The Inbetween Time
Cush: Cush
Cush: Spirituals EP - One
Cush: Spirituals EP - Two
🔹Dallas Holm & Praise: I Saw The Lord
Dallas Holm & Praise: Signal
🔹Daniel Amos: Daniel Amos
Daniel Amos: Shotgun Angel
Daniel Amos: Horrendous Disc
Daniel Amos: ¡Alarma!
Daniel Amos: Doppelgänger
Daniel Amos: Vox Humana
Daniel Amos: Fearful Symmetry
Daniel Amos: Darn Floor-Big Bite
Daniel Amos: Kalhöun
Daniel Amos: MotorCycle
Daniel Amos: Bibleland
Daniel Amos: Songs of the Heart
Daniel Amos: Mr. Buechner's Dream
Daniel Amos: Dig Here said the Angel
Daniel Amos: Live Bootleg '82
Daniel Amos: Live at Cornerstone 2000
The Dark Romantics: Heartbreaker
The Dark Romantics: Some Midnight Kissin’
🔹David Meece: Are You Ready?
🔹Dead Artist Syndrome: Prints of Darkness
Dead Artist Syndrome: Devils, Angels & Saints
Dead Artist Syndrome: Happy Hour
Dead Artist Syndrome: Jesus Wants You to Buy This Record
Dead Artist Syndrome: Saving Grace
Dead Artist Syndrome: Kissing Strangers
Derri Daughtery: Hush Sorrow
Dum Dog Run: Dum Dog Run
Dum Dog Run: Still Dum After All These Years
Duraluxe & The Lassie Foundation: I Duel Sioux and the Ale of Saturn (split)
Duraluxe: Rock Music With Singing
Duraluxe: Dolorosa
Duraluxe: The Suitcase
Duraluxe: Duraluxe III
Enemy Ships: The Emergency!
🔹Ester Drang: Goldenwest
Ester Drang: Infinite Keys
Ester Drang: Rocinate
Fine China: Rialto Bridge
Fine China: When the World Sings
Fine China: You Make Me Hate Music
Fine China: Jaws of Life
Fine China: Not Thrilled
Fine China: Trees at Night
🔹Fireworks: Sightseeing at Night
Fleming & John: Delusions of Grandeur
Fletch Wiley: Nightwatch
Frank Lenz: The Hot Stuff
Frank Lenz: Holy Rollers
Frank Lenz: Conquest Slaughter
Gary Murray: Revenant Waltz
Gary Murray & LN: Minor Lives
🔹Glad: Captured In Time
🔹The Gravity Show: Fabulous, Like You
Hammock: Kenotic
Hammock: Raising Your Voice...Trying to Stop an Echo
Hammock: Maybe They Will Sing for Us Tomorrow
Hammock: Chasing After Shadows... Living with the Ghosts
Hammock: Departure Songs
Hammock: Oblivion Hymns
Hammock: Stranded Under Endless Sky
Hammock: Longest Year
Hammock: From the Void
Hoi Polloi: Happy Ever After
Hoi Polloi: Spin Me
Holly Nelson: Leaving the Yard
🔹Jacobstone: Glass Top Ships
Jacobstone: Chambers and Volumes
Jacobstone: Regions
Jars of Clay: Jars of Clay
Jars of Clay: Much Afraid
Jars of Clay: If I Left The Zoo
Jars of Clay: The Eleventh Hour
Jars of Clay: Who We Are Instead
Keith Green: For Him Who Has Ears To Hear
Keith Green: No Compromise
Keith Green: So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt
Keith Green: Songs For The Shepherd
Ken Pennell: Love Is The Reason
Kerosene Halo: Kerosene Halo
Kerosene Halo: House on Fire
Kerosene Halo: Live Simple
Larry, Lucy I’m in Love
🔹Larry Norman: Only Visiting This Planet
Larry Norman: Only Visiting This Planet
Larry Norman: So Long Ago The Garden
Larry Norman: In Another Land
Larry Norman: Stranded in Babylon
The Lassie Foundation: Pacifico
The Lassie Foundation: The El Dorado LP (Shogun, Anisette)
The Lassie Foundation: Face Your Fun
The Lassie Foundation: California
The Lassie Foundation: El Rey
The Lassie Foundation: Jetstreams, Three Wheels EP
Lifesavers: Kiss of Life
Lifesavers: Poplife
Lifesavers: Huntington Beach
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): Shaded Pain
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): Wakin’ Up The Dead
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): This is the Healing
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): The Grape Prophet
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): Cash in Chaos: World Tour
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): Grace Shaker
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): Bring It Down Now
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): Dogfish Jones
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): Finding Angel
Lifesavers Underground (LSU): PTSD
🔹The Lonely Hearts: Paper Tapes
LN: Dirt Floor Hotel, Part 1
LN: Dirt Floor Hotel, Part 2
LN: Gravity Gun
LN: Imaginary Cars
LN: Novel
LN: Plumb Brook
LN: Drawn by Swans
LN: So You May Find Me When I’m Lost
LN: Cool September Skies
LN: Monkey & Spoons
LN: Morningbird
🔹Lost Dogs: Scenic Routes
Lost Dogs: Little Red Riding Hood
Lost Dogs: The Green Room Serenade, Part One
Lost Dogs: Gift Horse
Lost Dogs: Real Men Cry
Lost Dogs: Nazarene Crying Towel
Lost Dogs: Via Chicago
Lost Dogs: MUTT
Lost Dogs: Island Dreams
Lost Dogs: The Lost Cabin and the Mystery Trees
Lost Dogs: We Like To Have Christmas
Lost Dogs: Old Angel
🔹Luxury: Trophies
Luxury: Amazing & Thank You
Luxury: Health & Sport
Luxury: Luxury
Luxury: The Latest & The Greatest
🔹Map: Teaching Turtles to Fly
Map: Eastern Skies, Western Eyes
Map: Secrets By the Highway
Map: Think Like An Owner
Map: San Francisco in the 90s
Mark Heard: Reflections of a Former Life
Mark Heard: High Noon
Matthew Ward: Toward Eternity
🔹Michael Knott: Bomb Bay Babies Vol. 1
Michael Knott: Screaming Brittle Siren
Michael Knott: Rocket and a Bomb
Michael Knott: Fluid
Michael Knott: Strip Cycle
Michael Knott: Life of David
Michael Knott: Hearts of Care
Michael Knott: Comatose Soul
Michael Knott: Losing Angel
Michael Omartian: White Horse
Michael Omartian: Adam Again
Michael Pritzl: Hollow Songs
Michael Roe: Safe As Milk
Michael Roe: The Boat Ashore
Michael Roe: Orbis
Michael Roe: Daydream
Michael W. Smith: The Big Picture
Monarch: Lowly
Monarch: The Grandeur That Was Rome
🔹Monk: Quiver
Monk: Hush
Monk: Blink
🔹Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart: Brand New Start
Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart: More
Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart: Sheep in Wolves Clothing
Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart: Crack the Sky
🔹Newsboys: Take Me To Your Leader
Newsboys: Step Up To The Microphone
Newsboys: Love Liberty Disco
Newsboys: Adoration
Newsboys: Devotion
Neon Horse: Neon Horse
Neon Horse: Songs of Love, Defiance & Delusion
Neon Horse: Habit of Creature
Ojo Taylor: Relative
Orient Is My Name: Mea Culpa
Orient Is My Name: Hidden Mansions
Other Desert Cities: Other Desert Cities
Other Desert Cities: On the Verge of Collapsing
🔹Over the Rhine: Till We Have Faces
Over the Rhine: Patience
Over the Rhine: Eve
Over the Rhine: Good Dog Bad Dog
Over the Rhine: Films for Radio
Over the Rhine: Ohio
Over the Rhine: Drunkard's Prayer
Over the Rhine: The Trumpet Child
Over the Rhine: The Long Surrender
Over the Rhine: Meet Me at the Edge of the World
Over the Rhine: Amateur Shortwave Radio
Over the Rhine: Changes Come: Over the Rhine Live
Over the Rhine: Besides
🔹Phil Keaggy: What a Day
Phil Keaggy: Love Broke Thru
Phil Keaggy: The Master and the Musician
Phil Keaggy: Ph'lip Side
Phil Keaggy: Town to Town
Phil Keaggy: Play thru Me
Phil Keaggy: Underground
Phil Keaggy: Getting Closer!
Phil Keaggy: The Wind and the Wheat
Phil Keaggy: Phil Keaggy and Sunday's Child
Phil Keaggy: Find Me in These Fields
Phil Keaggy: Beyond Nature
Phil Keaggy: Revelator
Phil Keaggy: Crimson and Blue
Phil Keaggy: Blue
Phil Keaggy: Way Back Home
Phil Keaggy: True Believer
Phil Keaggy: Acoustic Sketches
Phil Keaggy: 220
Phil Keaggy: On the Fly
Phil Keaggy: Phil Keaggy
Phil Keaggy: Premium Jams
Phil Keaggy: Music to Paint By: Still Life
Phil Keaggy: Music to Paint By: Electric Blue
Phil Keaggy: Music to Paint By: Splash
Phil Keaggy: Music to Paint By: Brushstrokes
Phil Keaggy: Inseparable
Phil Keaggy: Lights of Madrid
Phil Keaggy: Cinemascapes
Phil Keaggy: In the Quiet Hours
Phil Keaggy: Hymnsongs
🔹The Prayer Chain: Shawl
The Prayer Chain: Mercury
The Prayer Chain: Antarctica
The Prayer Chain: Here Comes the Rust
🔹Randy Stonehill: The Sky is Falling
Randy Stonehill: Welcome to Paradise
Randy Stonehill: Edge of the World
🔹Ric Hordinski: When I Consider How My Light Is Spent
Ric Hordinski: The Silence of Everything Yearned For
🔹Rick Elias: Blink
Rick Elias: Ten Songs
🔹Scott Wesley Brown: One Step Closer
Scott Wesley Brown: I’m Not Religious
Scott Wesley Brown: SWB
The Second Chapter of Acts: Encores
The Second Chapter of Acts: Mansion Builders
The Second Chapter of Acts: Rejoice
Seven and Seven is: Fun with Sound
🔹Sleeping at Last: Capture
Sleeping at Last: Sleeping at Last
Sleeping at Last: Keep No Score
🔹Terry Scott Taylor: Knowledge & Innocence
Terry Scott Taylor: A Briefing For The Ascent
Terry Scott Taylor: John Wayne
Terry Scott Taylor: Avocado Faultline
Terry Scott Taylor: LITTLE, big
🔹The Seventy Sevens: Ping Pong over the Abyss
The Seventy Sevens: All Fall Down
The Seventy Sevens: The 77s
The Seventy Sevens: Sticks and Stones
The Seventy Sevens: 88
The Seventy Sevens: Pray Naked
The Seventy Sevens: Drowning with Land in Sight
The Seventy Sevens: Tom Tom Blues
The Seventy Sevens: EP
The Seventy Sevens: A Golden Field of Radioactive Crows
The Seventy Sevens: Direct
🔹Starflyer 59: She's the Queen
Starflyer 59: Le Vainqueur
Starflyer 59: Fell in Love at 22
Starflyer 59: Can't Stop Eating
Starflyer 59: The Last Laurel
Starflyer 59: I Win
Starflyer 59: Minor Keys EP
Starflyer 59: Miami
Starflyer 59: Plugged
Starflyer 59: Never Play Covers
Starflyer 59: Silver
Starflyer 59: Gold
Starflyer 59: Americana
Starflyer 59: The Fashion Focus
Starflyer 59: Everybody Makes Mistakes
Starflyer 59: Leave Here a Stranger
Starflyer 59: Old
Starflyer 59: I Am the Portuguese Blues
Starflyer 59: Talking Voice vs. Singing Voice
Starflyer 59: My Island
Starflyer 59: Dial M
Starflyer 59: The Changing of the Guard
Starflyer 59: IAMACEO
Starflyer 59: Slow
Starflyer 59: Young in My Head
Starflyer 59: Vanity
Starflyer 59: Easy Come Easy Go
Starflyer 59: Lust for Gold
🔹Steve Taylor: Liver
Steve Taylor: Meltdown
Steve Taylor: On The Fritz
Steve Taylor: Squint
Steve Taylor: Now the Truth Can Be Told
Steven Soles: Walk By Love
Stranger Kings: Blue
The Swirling Eddies: Let's Spin!
The Swirling Eddies: Outdoor Elvis
The Swirling Eddies: Zoom Daddy
The Swirling Eddies: The Berry Vest of The Swirling Eddies
The Swirling Eddies: Sacred Cows
The Swirling Eddies: The Midget, the Speck and the Molecule
🔹Terry Scott Taylor: Knowledge & Innocence
Terry Scott Taylor: A Briefing for the Ascent
Terry Scott Taylor: Neverhood Songs
Terry Scott Taylor: John Wayne
Terry Scott Taylor: Avocado Faultline
Terry Scott Taylor: LITTLE, big
Two Pound Planet: Songs From the Hydrogen Jukebox
Two Pound Planet: Whispering Delicious
Various Artists: Surfonic Water Revival
Various Artists: Making God Smile: A Tribute to Beach Boy Brian Wilson
Various Artists: Come As a Child Or Not at All
Undercover: Undercover
Undercover: God Rules
Undercover: Boys and Girls Renounce the World
Undercover: Branded
Undercover: 3-28-87
Undercover: Balance of Power
Undercover: Devotion
Undercover: Forum
Undercover: I Rose Falling
🔹The Violet Burning: Chosen
The Violet Burning: Strength
The Violet Burning: The Violet Burning
The Violet Burning: Demonstrates Plastic and Elastic
The Violet Burning: I Am a Stranger in This Place - An Experiment in Vibe
The Violet Burning: Faith and Devotions of a Satellite Heart
The Violet Burning: This Is the Moment
The Violet Burning: Drop-Dead
The Violet Burning: The Story of Our Lives: TH3 FANTA5T1C MACH1N3 / Black as Death / Liebe über Alles
Wayne Everett: KingsQueens