In 1908 Max Heindel started, in New York City, the work of rewriting a previous draft in German of teachings ostensibly written under the instruction of Elder Brothers in their temple near the border of Bohemia and Germany.[10] Heindel moved to Buffalo, New York, where he finished the typescript about September 1908. The work, called The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, was revised and printed in November 1909.
On October 28, 1911, the organisation's international headquarters, still used today, were opened at Mount Ecclesia in Oceanside, California. The ceremony of ground-breaking consisted in planting a large Cross with the initials C.R.C. (for Christian Rosenkreuz, the legendary head of the original order) painted in gilt letters on the three upper ends and with a climbing rose. The Rosicrucian Fellowship Temple, called The Ecclesia, was erected for the purpose of affording more powerful means for the healing of disease, and dedicated on December 25, 1920. Spiritual Healing meetings are held there each day.
About Max
Max Heindel, spiritual Initiate and messenger of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, was born in Denmark on July 23, 1865. He became a shipping engineer and eventually immigrated to the United States. By 1905 he had become seriously interested in the study of metaphysics and spent the next few years consciously working and searching for spiritual Truths. When he was visiting Germany in 1907, the Elder Brother of the Rose Cross who became his Teacher made contact with him on the inner planes. He was instructed in the etheric Temple of the Rose Cross, receiving the occult Teachings that he eventually incorporated into The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, published in November 1909. He founded The Rosicrucian Fellowship in August 1909, and spent his remaining years, until January 6, 1919, writing, lecturing, establishing Fellowship Headquarters in Oceanside, California, and generally spreading the Teachings of Esoteric Christianity—the pioneer spiritual Teachings which will prepare all humanity for the New Age of Aquarius, when all nations will join in Universal Brotherhood.
Cost of Admission
Admission into the Rosicrucian Fellowship is free of fees and is funded by donation.
The Fellowship recognizes seven grades, but its study is primarily based upon a system of three grades: regular student, probationer and disciple. After a two-year term of being a Regular Student of the Fellowship, a person who abstains from all flesh food, tobacco, mind-altering drugs, and alcohol may apply for probationership. When the Probationer has complied with the necessary requirements and completed the term of probation he may send request for individual instruction. Access to the Disciple grade is granted upon merit; once admitted into discipleship subsequent Spiritual unfoldment of the advanced soul within the Order of the Rose Cross is conducted through the process of the nine Lesser Initiations.
Connection to Theosophic Society
…Max Heindel, attended lectures in Germany by the theosophist Rudolf Steiner. After publishing purportedly secret doctrines against Steiner’s wishes, Heindel taught a form of Rosicrucianism heavily influenced by theosophy.
The work of the Fellowship is to preach the gospel (of the coming Aquarian Age) and heal the sick.
The evolution of man is divided into seven Periods…
The Rosicrucian Fellowship advices its followers to consume a vegetarian diet for ethical and spiritual reasons. They also recommend that vegetables be eaten raw as cooking destroys valuable cell salts. They have stated that the "vegetarian diet is most conducive to health and purity; that meat of all kinds, including fish and fowl, also alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and stimulants are injurious to health and spirituality".
Like many Satanic Orders, they hide behind Christian labels while tearing down Christian beliefs to supplant them with mystical nonsense and heresy. It’s the same game cults play.