Be careful who you follow. Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is. Some are just Satanists. Is this true of LtG Michael Flynn? Evaluate for yourself.
Words of the Prayer
“We are your instrument of those sevenfold rays and all your archangels—all of ‘em
We will not retreat. We will not retreat
We will stand our ground
We will not fear to speak
We will be the instrument of your will, whatever it is
In your name, and the name of your legions
We are free born, and we shall remain free born
And we shall not be enslaved
By any foe, within or without
So help me God”
Actual Prayer

What are the Seven Rays?
In The Secret Doctrine, the seven rays refer to the seven Primordial beings that appear on the highest plane of manifestation, in whom are the seeds for everything in the universe. They permeate every plane of the cosmos, including the solar system, the planet, and sentient beings. Later authors developed the subject further, assigning general characteristics to each ray, and applying them to Adepts, religions, human temperament, human activities, colors, crystals, etc. "The ray potentials, when evolved to perfection, will constitute in their harmonious union of differences the full achievement of the Divine plan."
A man's past Karma determines which of the seven, practically speaking, five rays, of occult wisdom he shall take his place in; but it is impossible to say that the fact of belonging to one of these rays indicates the presence in a man of any particular moral or mental quality, such as patience, honesty, or courage, on the one hand, or the poetic or artistic faculty, on the other.
What is the I AM Movement?
To some people LtG Michael Flynn is a hero. To others, he is a Deep State plant. To me, he is an enigma. A Catholic who recites Theosophical prayer is unusual.
But when you consider Theosophy is over 100-years old, how it has tentacles in nations across the globe, at the United Nations, a publishing company, and has a secret order called The Triangle, and is it impossible to consider that LtG Flynn might just be more than he appears to be.